Monday, August 23, 2010

I'm Running A Marathon

I have decided to run a marathon, simply because I want to prove to myself that I can do it.  I have never been much of a runner.  Honestly, I don't really enjoy running.  I would much rather play basketball or soccer or tennis.  Running, however, has always been a part of my family.  My parents both coached track and field at one time or another, my sister ran track and cross country in college, my mom started running again in her 50s and can beat me in a 5k.  My family has entered many a fun run or 5k over the years.  Now I married a runner too.  My husband has completed 8 marathons, basically with no training, and thinks I should be able to run a marathon easily. (Did I mention he's nuts?!)

I must reiterate that I am not doing this for "fun."  Running 26.2 miles is not my idea of fun, but I still want to do it.  Over the course of my 27 years there have been more than a few occasions where I took the easy way out.  During medical school this caught up to me, as there is no easy way through medical school.  The past 4+ years have been extremely challenging.  There have been many times where I questioned my abilities, and frankly lost all sense of self-confidence.  Fortunately, I somehow clawed myself back into the game, and I will be finishing my credits in December.  I will then finish my research project and, if all goes as planned, begin residency next July.  It is "untraditional" to finish medical school in December, which will leave me with 6 months before starting residency.  When I started thinking of ways to spend this time, my mouth said, "Maybe I'll run a marathon."  My head obviously wasn't working that day.

But, the idea has hung around long enough that I've started to think running a marathon is a good idea.  I think finishing the race would give me an unbelievable sense of accomplishment.  The key is that I will have to use my mind to conquer my body's desire to give up.  And believe me my body is going to want to quit after about the first week of training.  I'm not quite at my heaviest weight, but I'm close to it.  My body mass index is teetering at 24, with a BMI of 25 being the medical definition of "overweight."  I'm not particularly preoccupied with losing weight at this point, but that would certainly be a bonus.  I know which parts of my diet will improve simply by wanting to feel better while I'm running.

I am writing this blog as a motivational tool for myself, but I hope others may find it interesting, inspiring, or funny.  I am witty occasionally.  Words of encouragement are always welcome.

So, February 19th is the day.  I will be running the Myrtle Beach Marathon in Myrtle Beach, SC.  Once my loan money comes in I am going to register!  I want to tell you about my shoe-buying experience, but I should be asleep already.  I have to be in Hershey by 5:30 tomorrow morning, so I'll keep you in suspense for now.  Hint: I have a runt foot.


  1. You are officially registered for the marathon. Now there's no backing out!

  2. Geesh if you have to wait for your loan money, what do they charge you o register? Good luck girl! You are a better woman than me! I ran a mile and a half the other day in 98 degree heat and have no idea why. I'm trying to do it more but certainly not in preparation of a marathon! Can't motivate myself for that!
