Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fartleks and Shin Splints

Today was a Fartlek day.  A Fartlek (I presume named after somebody Fartlek, which is a horrible last name to have) is a training strategy that aims to increase VO2max and anaerobic threshold.  Basically, it is designed to help with oxygenation so you can run farther and farther without getting "winded."  All in all it's a basic interval workout to which some guy attached his name.  Anyways, I've been slacking on the Fartleks.  I usually miss about 1 workout per week based on my schedule, our horrible eating habits, or plain laziness.  It's usually the Fartlek session.  Indeed I missed my Fartlek yesterday because I ate 4 tacos and 2 s'mores for dinner and didn't much feel like running after that.  This month I only have class 2 days a week, so today I decided I would do the Fartlek in the morning at the gym and then my short run this evening with Hubert. 

First mistake - I thought my headphones were in the car but they were not, so I had no jams to distract me from looking at the clock on the treadmill every 15 seconds.  Second mistake - not warming up.  Both Hubert and I have come to the conclusion that we feel like crap until about half way through our runs, and then the second half feels much better.  I used to think those people who run a couple miles before a 5K race are crazy.  Why would you run any farther than you have to?  I'm starting to think maybe it just takes a little while to "get the bugs out."  By "bugs" I mean shin pain and calf tightness.   Third mistake - the treadmill.  I hate the treadmill, but I know, with Fall upon us and Winter creeping up, that I will have to learn to love the stinkin' treadmill.  The thing I do like about it, is I can't slow down or stop without risking major embarrassment or a broken bone or two, so I am able to push myself a little harder than usual.

However, the treadmill is not good for shin splints.  I'm not saying I definitely have shin splints right now, but it's inevitable when doing this much running.  It's just my right shin for now, and I can bear with it.  It actually feels better if I run faster.  Somehow the mechanics of my typical snail's pace seem to aggravate it.  Taking walking breaks helps as well.  Walk breaks provide a change in the muscle mechanics so different muscles are stressed and also take away the pounding.  I should probably go look up some shin splint physical therapy exercises to try to ward this off before it gets worse.  Losing a few pounds would help too, less weight = less pounding.

Aren't you glad your name is not Fartlek?


  1. Fart leak? Michelle, I thought you learned your lesson about not eating Fiber Plus bars before running! :)

  2. I think Fartlek is Dutch or something and means "speed play"
